Design your own Trooper

Design your own Trooper

Getting Started

Getting Started

Select a Phase template to begin. You can select one item from each category, excluding accessories where you can select multiple.

Red marks remove all items in that category.

Black marks mean the item has a conflict with another item/template you have chosen.


Phase 1 seclection Phase 1 ARF seclection Phase 1.5 seclection Phase 2 seclection Phase 2 ARF seclection Phase 2 air seclection

ARC Armour

ARC Armour
No armour seclection ARC armour seclection

Helmet Attachments

Helmet Attachments
No Attachments seclection Flashlight seclection Antenna seclection Rangefinder seclection

Helmet Plates

Helmet Plates
No plates seclection Plates seclection Gunner Plates seclection

Helmet Visor

Helmet Visor
No visor seclection Visor seclection Binoculars down seclection Binoculars up seclection

Helmet Flaps

Helmet Flaps
No Flaps seclection Phase 1 Flaps seclection Phase 2 Flaps seclection ARF Flaps seclection


No pauldron seclection Phase 1 pauldron seclection Phase 2 pauldron seclection Alpha ARC pauldron seclection ARC pauldron seclection Elite pauldron seclection


No back seclection Scout backpack seclection backpack seclection ARC backpack seclection jetpack seclection jetpack 2 seclection


No kama seclection kama seclection Alpha ARC kama  seclection ARC kama seclection ARC pouch kama seclection pouch seclection


No strap seclection Suspenders seclection Support Straps seclection Support belt seclection


No accessories seclection chest pouches seclection CHest ammo pouches seclection Pauldron pouch seclection Pauldron pouches seclection Shoulder ammo seclection
Belt pouches seclection belt holsters seclection Ankle pouch seclection

Learing Reflection

Learing Reflection

I’d some of my Prouds moments were taking the knowledge I learned from asking questions and applying it in other places. Examples of this are pre-BS4 div columns to affect groups of content, hiding items for dual navbars to fix cut off problems, and putting if statements in if statements. It felt good to be able to apply what I learned not just for one problem.

JavaScript in general was challenging. However, it was very satisfying when you finally got it to work or you had I idea to a problem and it actually worked.

I would probably do this project again, it was fun, I’d just change the content. I decided to do the clone templates because it would actually be useful for me in the future with making templates, were the other obvious choice I was only going to make for the lols.

Remember the importance of planning and taking it one step at a time helps a lot when coding, which can apply to most everything. It keeps you focused and allows you to make progress.
